广州市致鸿物流器材有限公司是一家以仓储笼设计、生产及销售为主体的高度性公司,同时也是ISO9001-2008国际质量管理体系认证企业。目前公司生产及销售规模在中国大陆居地位。公司自2002年初成立以来,已为近万家中外企业,包括广本、东风本田、格兰仕、美的集团、格力电器、龙工、小松等等大批全球500强企业、国内上市公司及众多各行业领头羊企业提供较好的仓储笼及相关服务。 公司不但能迅速快捷的向客户提供价廉物美的标准化仓库笼,同时也可据客户的特殊要求度身订制非标准仓库笼,以满足客户多样化需求。 秉承“为客户创造价值,为员工创造机会”的宗旨,致鸿公司有信心,也有能力成为国外客户理想的长期合作伙伴。 Guangzhou ZhiHong Logistics Equipment Co.,Ltd.is a cage warehouse design, production and sales as the main body of the highly professional company and ISO901-2008 international quality management system certification. The company production and sales volume in China leader. Since its inception in early 2002,has nearly ten thousand Chinese and foreign enterprises, including a large number of Fortune 500 companies, a number of domestic listed companies and the industry leader in providing enterprise-class high-quality warehouse cage products and related services, including Honda, Toyota ,Midea, Gree, TCL, Galanz and other famous enterprises. David not only caused by the rapid and efficient company to provide customers with cheap standardized warehouse cage, but also according to customer’s special requirements tailored non- standard storage cage in order to meet the diverse need of our customers . Adhering to the “create value for customers, creating opportunities for employees” the purpose, cause David’s confidence and ability to become a domestic and international customers the best long-term partner. ...展开
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